Tuesday, October 11, 2011

You and I

The mortified youthful dreams-
Flicker like the dim light
In these dusty lamp posts
Staring at the changing colors...
The still morning
Frozen by the overcast skies,
Like the curtness
Masking the ingenuous smiles
Seems to paint itself
As thoughts in our minds...

Let us then walk you and I
On these soft sands
Listening to the rumbling leaves
When the sun showers
Being one with the colors
As we morph into each other
When the gross boundaries cease
Like the writings on these sands
Dissolving in these waters.

We shrink - our poem grows,
The "I" wanes -
Our love blooms...


Recommended readings:

(somewhat influenced by the poems below)

(TS Eliot's The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock)

 We shrink as our poem grows is borrowed from a poem of Tomas Transtromer - see links below

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